• Free Times Cafe (map)
  • 320 College Street
  • Toronto, ON, M5T 1S3

We are Natalia Bushnik and Robin Luckwaldt Ross, and together we form KAIROS theatre.

We would like to invite YOU to our first ever TORONTO LAUNCH PARTY & VARIETY SHOW,
hosted at Free Times Cafe! Come enjoy comedy, music, and more, as we launch our Indiegogo campaign for our upcoming run at the The Assembly Theatre, with drinks, latkes, and merriment!

Friday, March 1st!
Doors open at 7pm, show starts at 8pm!
PWYC entry!

1 DRINK MIN. to support Freetimes Cafe for graciously hosting us (this could be a tea or a pop!)
Party until last call if you'd like ;)

Grace Fournier
Tamlynn Bryson
Breanna Maloney
Andy Sharp
Kathleen Welch
Raechel Fisher
Amanda Silcoff
Dani Zimmer
Keith Brown
and more!


‘The Bathtub Girls’ is a fiction inspired by the first documented case of sibling matricide in Canada. Our play examines how three immigrants’ determination to assimilate into a Canadian suburb in Mississauga leads to the destruction of their family.

Praise for The Bathtub Girls :

“A dark but compelling piece of theatre” - CBC
“Truly remarkable” - Minnesota Playlist
“Gripping storytelling” - City Pages, Minneapolis
“Extraordinary” - Winnipeg Free Press
“Truly phenomenal” - Fringe Review