At each monthly event you will see an electric mix of speakers sharing 10 minute personal stories and life lessons. Some are funny, some are thought-provoking, all are motivating. You get to socialize with all kinds of wonderful people in a fun, positive environment. You’ll wish every day were momonday!
Cash cover at the door is just $25. Advance tickets for $15 are available. Better yet, save a few bucks and reserve a branded table for you and 7 of your friends, colleagues and family for only $112.
Doors open at 6:00 pm, come early to meet some great people, socialize, get your choice of seats, wine, learn and have fun – there is no better bang for just a few bucks!
You really do meet the nicest people at momondays!
Want to reserve a table of 8 or more for your group or company?
Email waterloo@momondays.com for info!!
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Follow us on Twitter @momondaysWaterloo